Friday 16 October 2015

5 Must-Have Supplies To Create a Drought-Tolerant Yard

With the current drought facing many southern states, many people are working on ways to avoid water waste. However, not many people realize that a large portion of water waste goes to watering big lawns with a lot of lush grass.

Some people have recently turned to new landscaping in order to fix the problem of water waste. One way that this is being done is to do away with grass lawns and create soil lawns in order to plant drought-resistant plants later. Here are some tools to help the job go smoother:

The first item you will need to convert your lawn from grass to soil will be cardboard. You want the cardboard to be water permeable and lack holes. The cardboard is used to lay down all over the yard, on top of the grass. Once watered down, the cardboard will not only serve to kill off the grass underneath, but it will also break down over time to become part of the soil.

The next item you will need will be bales of straw. This is to be put generously over your cardboard and watered again. It will also break down into the soil over time.

On top of the straw, you will need compost or chipped wood. This will provide the final layer to your yard and will help contribute to the soil once broken down. However, be careful if using chipped wood, as it may come with weeds that will be difficult to get rid of once they are there.


One must-have tool for handling this overhaul in your yard is a rake. The rake can be used for smoothing out the composting material so that you get an even and level layer of compost throughout the entire yard.

The last items essential to any completed drought-tolerant yard are stone pavers. These stones can serve a variety of purposes, such as creating retaining walls to prevent runoff of soil and moisture, as well as making the yard beautiful by adding features such as a walking path.

There are many other items that can be used in order to create a drought-tolerant yard that will save you time and money from not watering, but still remain beautiful and well kept. To explore the items listed in this article as well as a variety of other useful items, and to get ideas on how others are dealing with the drought, be sure to check out landscaping supplies in San Jose.

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