Friday 16 October 2015

3 Things to Consider Before Laying Pavers


Installing pavers can be a great way to add a multi-use outdoor area for your home. Like any home improvement, paver projects should be carefully thought-out for the best possible results. Before any work is started, spend some time planning the project and make sure you consider these three things.

1.    Style

Due to the large range of paver shapes, sizes and materials available, you will likely be able to find the perfect paver for almost any imaginable project. Spend some time researching available paver types to make sure that you can turn the picture in your head into reality. Some available paver shapes you might want to consider are:

  • Circular
  • Square
  • Uneven or natural

2.    Space

It is also smart to consider the space that you plan to work in before starting a paver project. Make sure you know exactly where you want the pavers to go by drawing out a plan. Knowing the space availability will also help you calculate how many pavers you should buy.

3.    Safety

It is always good to check with the local utility company before doing any digging or excavating. This way you can make sure that you or the professional you hire are not digging near any important cables or other utility infrastructure.

With some forethought, your paver project will likely go very smoothly whether you choose to do the work yourself or hire a professional. Visit this website for more information about getting landscaping supplies in San Jose.

9 Ways to Incorporate Edible Planting into the Urban Landscape

Traditionally, the urban landscape has existed as an isolated, hardened more

5 Must-Have Supplies To Create a Drought-Tolerant Yard

With the current drought facing many southern states, many people are working on ways to avoid water waste. However, not many people realize that a large portion of water waste goes to watering big lawns with a lot of lush grass.

Some people have recently turned to new landscaping in order to fix the problem of water waste. One way that this is being done is to do away with grass lawns and create soil lawns in order to plant drought-resistant plants later. Here are some tools to help the job go smoother:

The first item you will need to convert your lawn from grass to soil will be cardboard. You want the cardboard to be water permeable and lack holes. The cardboard is used to lay down all over the yard, on top of the grass. Once watered down, the cardboard will not only serve to kill off the grass underneath, but it will also break down over time to become part of the soil.

The next item you will need will be bales of straw. This is to be put generously over your cardboard and watered again. It will also break down into the soil over time.

On top of the straw, you will need compost or chipped wood. This will provide the final layer to your yard and will help contribute to the soil once broken down. However, be careful if using chipped wood, as it may come with weeds that will be difficult to get rid of once they are there.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Explore Your Yard’s Potential


When it comes to landscaping your property, there are many exciting paths that can be explored. From the timeless appeal of rock walls to the comfort of your own private gazebo, the luxurious options for transforming your home are endless.

The Best Kind Of Stepping Stone

If you are planning your garden you may be wondering what kind of stones to use for stepping stones. The answer to this question varies greatly on a few factors, including the color scheme of your garden as well as the size. However, natural stones are usually the best bet as they are durable and require little to no maintenance.

Some Common Stones

Coarse limestone is one great option, as it is slip-resistant and naturally beautiful. Quartzite can be an interesting stone as it will shimmer in the sunlight as well as create beautiful colors when wet.

Choose the Right Size

One consideration to make regardless of the type of stone used is the size of the stones. You want to make sure the stones are large enough to walk on, but still small enough not to overpower the pathway. Depending on the size of the area, the stones usually range from 5 inches to 18 inches in length.

You Aren’t Alone

A professional landscaper can help you choose the type of stepping stone that is right for you by looking at the garden in question to help determine color and size, as well as help determine which kind of stone would best suit your needs. Many of these businesses are willing to come to your home in order to best determine your needs. Search now for businesses specializing in stepping stones in Gilroy area.

Create Magic in the Yard

When you add stepping stones to your property, there are some fun alternatives that can be tried. Create a path of leaf stones in your yard and you will feel like you are traveling a magical path into your garden.

The 10 Best Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality [infographic]

According to studies by NASA, certain houseplants filter out harmful more

3 Reasons Synthetic Turf Can Be an Eco-Friendly Choice


Many people assume that the best way to be eco-friendly is to be as natural as possible. This may not always be true when it comes to outdoor ground cover. Modern synthetic turfs actually have a lot of eco-friendly benefits. Here are three of the reasons you can help the environment by choosing synthetic turf.

1.    Synthetic Turf Uses No Water

Lawns are often over watered, which can be wasteful and harmful to the environment, especially in drought-affected areas. Artificial ground cover does not need to be watered like a real lawn and generally needs very little maintenance.

2.    Synthetic Turf Does Not Need to Be Mowed

Grass clippings can be composted after you mow a real lawn, but the emissions from gas mowers may outweigh the benefits of composting. Gas mowers result in millions of gallons of spilled fuel each year and can pollute the atmosphere with:

  • Harmful carcinogens
  • Ozone precursors
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide

Since artificial grass never grows, there is no need to risk your family’s and the earth’s health with a gas-powered mower.

3.    Synthetic Turf May Include Recycled Components

Depending on the brand you purchase, synthetic turf may be made with recycled plastics. This is another way to be more eco-friendly and reduce your overall environmental footprint.

To reduce water use, cut down on toxic emissions and use more recycled materials, consider covering your lawn with synthetic turf for a surprisingly eco-friendly grass alternative. For more information about turf grass in Morgan Hill, visit this website.